Past Pupils Golf Outing in DUBLIN on Friday May 16th

Thanks to the huge success of the Annual Ignatian Challenge Cup held in September there have been a great number of past pupils who have travelled to Limerick from far and wide.  There have been requests for another golf outing on the east coast of Ireland for all those Crescent Past Pupils who live in Dublin and surrounding areas to meet-up.

We’ve heard your requests and thanks to the efforts of Brien Morris we now have a Golf Outing in DUBLIN @ Malahide Golf Club on Friday May 16th


Golf Outing for all Crescent Past Pupils. While the prizes will be nominal this is an opportunity to meet old friends and enjoy a game of golf.

This event is open to past pupils residing in any part of the country, who may be prepared to travel.

Tee times 2.00 – 3.30 (Play in 4’s)
Cost €50 (includes Green Fee and Dinner afterwards)
Limited places.  Book tee time NOW with Brien via email