With the spectacular opening ceremony for Paralympics 2012 in London scheduled for tonight, the link to the Crescent is strong as John Fulham is the Communications Officer with Paralympics Ireland. You’ll be hearing him on the radio, and reading his updates in the press and Internet in the coming weeks as we cheer on the Irish athletes.
John Fulham (class of 1988) will be taking the lead in keeping the Irish public up to date with the athletes at the 2012 London Paralympic Games. John is a formidable wheelchair athlete having competed in three previous Paralympics and winning gold at previous European Paralympics.
In his days in Crescent, John was also a popular and vocal pupil .. so he’s perfectly suited as a Communications Officer for Paralympics Ireland. For those who were in CCC in the mid 80s here’s a glimpse of John in Meyer in 1984!!
View more Past Pupil Photos from the Crescent .. here
We wish John and Team Ireland all the best success at Paralympics 2012!
Read more about the Paralympics – http://www.paralympics.ie/
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Follow John Fulham on Twitter (@CFulham) or http://twitter.com/cfulham