Annual Golf Outing – Timesheet Open Book early

The 2016 Ignatian Challenge Cup event will be held in LIMERICK GOLF CLUB on FRIDAY 16th SEPTEMBER 2016

The event is a singles stableford competition and All Crescent Past Pupils and Staff are welcome to play.

The cost is €35 per person (reduced rate available for Limerick Golf Club members) and there will be a selection of prizes for a number of runners-up and other categories.

Tee times are available from 14:00 to 16:30 on a first come first served basis.

To book a teetime for yourself or up to 4 players per tee time contact Kevin Baggott on the Golf Committee via email

Please book as soon as possible to ensure a place as the event was fully booked in 2015 and we expect the same this year.

Crescent Past Pupils Golf OPuting 2016