As we head into spring with renewed optimism and hope for a full and lasting return to our social normal, all members of the Crescent College Past Pupils Union can look forward to great opportunities for us as individual members and collectively as our Union.
We continue to provide an extensive network and platform to support Sacred Heart College and Crescent College Comprehensive SJ past pupils through our dedicated website, our presence on Facebook and LinkedIn and through our individual contacts and awareness. We would encourage all our existing members to raise awareness of our Union and to seek new past pupil members at home and abroad; it is through new members that our Union can become more inclusive and diverse, where new perspectives and initiatives can be proposed and developed in line with our ambitions.
Our committee has already begun planning for the return of our Annual Dinner in October and for this year’s Ignatian Challenge Cup Golf Competition in September and we would encourage as many past pupils as possible to use these events as excellent opportunities to renew old and existing friendships that may have been on hold for the past two years. There will be more opportunities for social gatherings throughout the year which we intend to develop and organise, we will advise these events at the appropriate time.
We will continue to maintain our strong support to pupils and staff at Crescent College Comprehensive SJ through an exciting programme of initiatives – some which are underway and some which are in development. We will continue to maintain our links with the other Irish Jesuit Past Pupil Unions and the Jesuit Alumnae of Ireland.
I would like to extend our Committee’s good wishes to all our members and their families for a healthy and happy 2022 and we look forward to meeting you at our events throughout the year.
Kind Regards
Kevin Cotter
CCPPU President 2022