CPPU AGM Meeting Minutes

Date: 15th September 2010
Time: 8.00 pm
Venue: Library, CCC, Dooradoyle, Limerick


Welcome: Mr. Nicholas Cuddihy, Headmaster of CCC, welcomed the members of the PPU to the school for their AGM. He stressed how important the work of the PPU is to the school community and he encouraged the members in their work.

Report on activities to date: Helen Kelly-Holmes (Acting Chair) reported on the activities of the PPU since it was re-founded on a modest scale in 2006. These include:

Roll of Honour – honouring outstanding achievements of Crescent community (includeing former teachers and pupils).

Book Collection – ongoing collection of books by past pupils and staff, housed in a special location in the school library.

Annual Mass for Deceased Past Pupils and members of the Crescent community – held every November for the last ca. 20 years. Not a PPU event, but one that the PPU should support.

Acknowledging the passing of past pupils/staff through attendance, if possible, by member of PPU at funeral and/or sending of mass card/flowers as appropriate.

Celebration Dinner for the Sesquicentenary, March 2010.

Active website with updates, news etc. launched in March 2010 – the website enables past pupils to find each other and make contact.

Recruiting and registering as many past pupils as possible via the new website (since March, 255 registrations)

Disseminating information about reunions (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years etc.) and attempting to coordinate and support these.

Archiving of extensive photo collection on the website.

It was reported that the recent sesequicentenary celebrations had given great impetus to the Union’s activities. The very generous support given by CCC, the Headmaster Mr. Nicholas Cuddihy and all the staff with the recent dinner and for making the school available for the event was acknowledged.


Nomination and election of PPU Committee: The following members were elected to the PPU Committee: Liam Kenihan, Dermot Cowhey (Ethos / CCC liaison); Liam O’Connell S.J.; Orla Prendergast; Sheila Hickey-Allen; Donal O’Carroll (Treasurer); Patrick Rickard; Gerladine Heslin-Deery; Aidín Prendergast; Helen Kelly-Holmes (Secretary); Eoin O’Sullivan (website manager); Tony White (IFJA and Dublin branch liaison).
It was agreed that the members of the PPU Committee will work together to agree on candidates for president and will then approach these candidates.
It was also agreed that if anyone who was not present at the AGM wishes to become a member of the Committee, they would be very welcome and should contact the Secretary.
The Secretary will organise a Committee meeting next month to plan activities for the year and to discuss candidates for President.

Discussion of future activities: It was agreed that the PPU Dinner in March 2010 had been a hugely enjoyable and successful occasion. There was unanimous support for making this an annual event, ideally to be held in the school. The timing of the dinner was felt to be very good. It was pointed out that reunion years could be encouraged to reserve a number of tables at the annual dinner.
A number of other activities were discussed and these will be explored further by the Committee (or an appropriate sub-committee): UL branch; Soccer or Rugby tournament; Golf outing; Musical event; Christmas drink; Annual mass.
It was pointed out that the Union needs to ensure that activities include both Sacred Heart College and Crescent past pupils. It was agreed that the PPU Sesquicentenary Dinner had been successful in this.

Funding: The issue of funding for the Union was discussed. It was agreed that for the present, no subscription should be charged, however the Committee would explore the possibility of setting up a system of voluntary annual donations to the Union.

Irish Federation of Jesuit Alumni/ae: Tony White reported on the Union’s membership of the IFJA and links with other Jesuit PPUs in Ireland, Europe and worldwide.

AOB: All members were urged to submit stories, photos, events etc. to the website manager. It is very important that new items appear on the site every month.
It was agreed that if possible it would be beneficial to share some content with the crescentsj.com site. This will be explored by the Committee.

Helen Kelly-Holmes (1986) (Chair of meeting); John MacNamara (1994); Liam Kenihan (1998); Orla Prendergast (1982); Aedín Prendergast (1988); Carmel Normoyle (1986); Donal O’Carroll (1986); Liam O’Connell S.J. (1956); Sheila Hickey-Allen (1986); Jim Deery (1978); Patrick Rickard (1980); Tony White (1963); John Collins (1952); Michael Donnellan (1952); Eoin O’Sullivan (1988); Dermot Cowhey (1976); Geraldine Hesling-Deery (1983); Frank Deery (1982); Stephen Keogh (1998); Peter Keogh (1990).

A selection of photos from the event
